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Jurist til Privacy & AI Compliance

Er du ekspert inden for Privacy / GDPR og kender måske lidt til reglerne på AI-området, og drømmer du om at kombinere disse kompetencer i dit arbejde? Hvis du har evnen til at udvikle dig og formidle komplekse regler om databeskyttelse og AI på en klar og forståelig måde, så er denne stilling...

Telia Finland impact

Telia Finland creates its most significant positive impacts in paying taxes and knowledge infrastructure, in categories Society and Knowledge.

Telia Finland creates its most significant negative impacts or uses resources in scarce human capital and greenhouse gas emissions, in categories Knowledge and Environment.
Upright data for Telia Finland

By clicking on the graph, you can see the entire Telia Finland impact profile.

What is impact profile?

The net impact profile was modeled by the Upright Project. The profile is based on scientific research's understanding of the effects of various products and services. The profile tells you which things you are involved in influencing through this job. You can find more information about Upright here.

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Jurist til Privacy & AI Compliance

Full time, Permanent

Published on 09.12.2024

Company Turnover: 
Yli 100 000 000 €
Company Personnel: 
Yli 1000 henkilöä
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