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Start recruiting now

and find the most suitable from the best candidates.

Alma Jobly is the answer to today’s recruitment challenges - when you want to reach all Finns and fill positions quickly. With the best marketing technologies and Alma Media’s well-known quality media, suitable job seekers will find your open jobs and brand effectively.


Post a job for free on Jobly

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Content marketing and employer branding

Alma Jobly – the only job search service that reaches everyone and guarantees results.

We guarantee results for your recruitment campaign.

We are the first in Finland to guarantee job views for every recruitment campaign.

Kampanjoiden tehokkuus

50 percent more effective than competitors.

Compared to our competitors, our recruitment campaigns deliver results at least 50 percent more effectively.

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Alma visibility - reach all Finns.

Your recruitment ads will be featured on the front page of Finland’s leading news and business media, including Iltalehti, Kauppalehti, Talouselämä and Tekniikka & Talous.


The most flexible job search service.

The most flexible contract terms on the market ensure stability for changing recruitment needs and objectives.

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Employer – join the Jobly Club newsletter and stay informed about interesting and timely HR and recruitment topics. Receive a concise monthly reading package to support your work, along with updates on our upcoming events. The newsletter is published in Finnish.


