Kaivinkoneenkuljettaja Valkeakoskelle
VISIO Henkilöstöratkaisut
Parolannummi, 13700 Hattula, Hämeenlinna, Pirkanmaa, 37800 Akaa, Kangasala, 37500 Lempäälä, 37100 Nokia, Pirkkala, Tampere
Konekuski talven sesonkiin Tampereelle
VISIO Henkilöstöratkaisut
Pirkanmaa, Kangasala, 37500 Lempäälä, 37100 Nokia, Pirkkala, Tampere, Ylöjärvi
Haemme linja-autonkuljettajia vakituisiin työsuhteisiin Pohjolan Liikenteelle Tampereelle ajamaan linjojamme Nysse-liikenteessä. Työssä aloittamisesta voimme sopia joustavasti niin kuin sinulle sopii.
Olemme VR Groupiin kuuluva moderni linja-autoyhtiö, jossa panostetaan...
VR Group creates its most significant positive impacts in societal infrastructure and paying taxes, in category Society.
VR Group creates its most significant negative impacts or uses resources in greenhouse gas emissions and biodiversity, in category Environment.
VR Group creates its most significant negative impacts or uses resources in greenhouse gas emissions and biodiversity, in category Environment.
What is impact profile?
The net impact profile was modeled by the Upright Project. The profile is based on scientific research's understanding of the effects of various products and services. The profile tells you which things you are involved in influencing through this job. You can find more information about Upright here.
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