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Postdoctoral researcher in new model organism project

Helsinki Institute of Life Science (HiLIFE) and Research Programs Unit of the Faculty of Medicine together form a top-quality research environment in the biomedical campus of University of Helsinki. Research focus areas with particularly high quality and innovative nature are carried out in the fields of developmental and stem cell biology, genetic engineering of in vitro and in vivo cell and animal models as well as in modeling monogenic and multifactorial diseases.

Research in the Integrative Developmental Biology lab affiliated with HiLIFE and STEMM research program focuses on in vivo genome editing and mechanisms of organogenesis leading to congenital birth defects.

The Integrative Developmental Biology laboratory invites applications for a position of 


for a two-year fixed term position (possibility for extension) starting early 2025 (negotiable). Trial period of six months will apply.

The position is open in a project involving novel, highly regenerative mammalian model organism. The goals of the project are to test cancer susceptibility in the model organism and develop in vivo genome editing strategies for functional studies. The project is funded by the University of Helsinki.

The successful applicant should have PhD degree and be well acquainted with cancer biology and/or genome engineering techniques. Most importantly, self-motivation and enthusiasm towards science, learning new things and technologies are the critical characters of successful applicants. Previous expe-rience in imaging, bioinformatics, and/or in vivo cancer techniques are acknowledged.

The salary will be commensurate with qualifications based on the Finnish university salary (YPJ) system on previous qualifications, experience and performance in the position.

To apply, please submit your application as a single pdf-file by January 20, 2025, through the University of Helsinki's recruitment system via the "Apply now" button. The document should include a short cover letter describing your areas of expertise and motivation for the position, CV (max 2 pages), and names and contact information of two to three references.

Further information is available from GM-unit Director Satu Kuure, tel. +358 2941 59395, or by mailing.

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