Principal Scientist, Video Coding
Tampere, München, Saksa, Espoo, Oulu, 91300 Massy, Ranska, Finsbury, Lontoo EC2A 1AD, Yhdistynyt kuningaskunta, Naperville, Illinois, Yhdysvallat, Coppell, TX, Yhdysvallat, New Providence, NJ, Yhdysvallat, Suomi
Postdoctoral Researcher for Realization of Novel 2D-semiconductor Based Heterogenous Photocatalysts
Dimensionality defines the spatial extensions of matters, and photocatalysis accelerates photochemical processes in the presence of catalytic media. What will happen if photocatalysis meets the dimensional confinements that may impact whole photochemical process? In the ERC-Consolidator project...
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