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Employer Branding

Invest in your staff and future employees. Employer branding makes your business attractive and engages employees. Jobly offers you both production and the most comprehensive distribution channels for your employer branding under one roof.

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Strengthen your employer brand

Building a strong employer brand is one of the best ways to step up recruitment and help the most suitable employees to find your business. Content marketing helps you communicate your employer brand effectively - Jobly and Alma Media provide both professional content production and high-quality media under the same roof.

Content is the king - but just as important is that it gets noticed. Jobly is Finland's only EB partner where  your employer brand gets high visibility not only in social media and Google but also in Alma's quality media.

Contents gain prominence in well-known news media, which include Finland's most comprehensive expert media such as Kauppalehti, Talouselämä and Tekniikka & Talous. Content can be published also in Iltalehti which reaches more than 3 million Finns weekly. Jobly and Alma Media enable creative and diverse productions that are sure to be noticed.

Each employer branding campaign is individually tailored to suit each employer. Our partners in content production include Alma Brand Studio, which is specialized in content marketing, as well as freelancer editors and producers oriented to working life topics.

Campaigns can combine videos in different formats, different story types, and targeted digital and social media advertising. Content execution is measured and optimized throughout the duration of the campaign.


Effective tools to build your employer image

Content marketing*

Turn your story into a success story and inspire and attract future employees with impressive articles published in your preferred Alma media and/or Jobly.

  • A professional journalist will write an article with that aligns with your employer brand.
  • Possible to publish in all media of Alma Media.
  • Can be published both in digital and in print

Digital marketing & social media

In addition to visibility in Alma Media, the reach of the EB campaign is enhanced by a digital marketing and social media campaign consistent with your brand's look and feel.

  • With Jobly, you genuinely tell your story in multiple channels.
  • In addition to the Alma network, various digital channels and social media can be used.
  • Your employer brand will be displayed where your target audience is.

Video production*

Company video, advertisement or viral video in social media? The most important is that the outcome is authentic. Videos are executed by professionals – efficiently and smoothly.

  • The video package is all-encompassing, easy and fast.
  • Get visibility on your own pages, social media or Alma media.
  • Production always includes a long video for the customer's own site and a short subtitled video for advertising and social media.

*Content marketing articles and video production can be combined into a single entity nicely.

Contact us!

Contact your own Jobly contact person or reach out via email. We’re happy to help you!