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Elf for winter season 24-25

Kakslauttanen Arctic Resort is looking for Christmas elves for winter season 24-25. ?????Santa Claus is living in Kakslauttanen resort area during the winter season and he needs help from his elves. As an elf you are a cheerful person, who likes to make kids and adults happy during their Santa visit. You will be guiding guests during their Santa visit, telling stories and you are a special person making the visit unforgettable for the guests. In addition to your elf role, if you are looking for a full time work then we hope you are open to do other tasks as well, depending on your previous experience (e.g. restaurant, reception, snow cleaning..)As a person you are outgoing, fluent in English, cheerful and enjoy being in your character. We appreciate previous international work experience and excellent cooperation skills. The location of the resort is in the middle of lovely nature, and here you also have time to enjoy nature and try different activities that you might never get to try otherwise. We have also a small gym for our staff, and possibilities to try cross country skiing and other winter activities.It is possible to rent an apartment through us, so it is easy to join us where ever you are coming from. In terms of employment, we follow the collective agreement of the tourism and restaurant industry, and the salary is according to the agreement, considering the applicant's previous experience and education.You can also read our blog to see how it's like to work at Kakslauttanen.  If you feel that this is a job for you, leave your application and lets discuss more! ??

Jätä hakemus:
Työpaikan osoite: Kiilopääntie 9, 99830 Kakslauttanen
Työ alkaa: Työskentelyn aloitus sovitaan yhdessä
Työaika: Kokoaikatyö
Työn kesto: Määräaikainen
Hakuaika päättyy: 14.07.2024 00:00
Ilmoitus jätetty: 25.06.2024 14:46
Työmarkkinatorin ilmoitusnumero: 446d5244-7ded-4f9a-8748-dbb9088cce88

Lähde: Työmarkkinatorin asiakastietojärjestelmä


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