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MAG 135 welder-fitter

We are looking for professional MAG plate welder-fitter for butt joint welds in vertical position upwards, solid welding rod
-Welding of big elements-heavy steel structures, pillars, beams, thicknesses 5 to 30mm
-Material- steel, black iron
-Ability to read technical drawings, blueprints

We offer:
-Long-time employment/permanent contract
-Great work location-southern Finland
-Morning shift only
-Help with travel arrangements and reimbursement of the cost of arrival to Finland
-Accommodation in company apartment (own room in a shared apartment in a block of flats - rent 220€/month)
-Wage rates + supplements according to Finnish law
-Help with registration and official matters by English, Polish, Bulgarian and Romanian speaking coordinators
If your skills and experience meet with the job listings, we will contact you to discuss the position in further detail.
Please apply by filling-in the application on our website:

Jätä hakemus:
Yhteystiedot: Work starts as soon as suitable candidate is found.
Please apply by filling-in the open application on our website
Alternatively, for more information you can contact [email protected]
If your skills and experience meet with the job listings, we will contact you to discuss the position in further detail.
Työpaikan osoite:
Palkkaus: 14€
Työ alkaa: Työskentely alkaa mahdollisimman pian
Työaika: Kokoaikatyö
Työn kesto: Toistaiseksi voimassa oleva
Hakuaika päättyy: 30.10.2024 22:00
Ilmoitus jätetty: 18.07.2024 12:59
Työmarkkinatorin ilmoitusnumero: 7544cfd4-9b51-45c1-952e-bdb1a8b5b441

Lähde: Työmarkkinatorin asiakastietojärjestelmä


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MAG 135 welder-fitter

Henkilöstövuokrausyhtiö Kipinä Tuotanto Oy
Kokopäiväinen, Vakituinen

Julkaistu 19.07.2024

Samankaltaisia työpaikkoja

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