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Marketing Intelligence and Insights Partner, 3 paikkaa

We are looking for you

At Clevry, we are searching for a Marketing Intelligence and Insights Partner to join our client, Supercell. This is a full-time position and there is one permanent position and two positions with a fixed-term contract for 12 months. The starting date will be at the end of October 2024.

This position will be based in Helsinki, with full report to the Marketing Intelligence and Insights Lead and side/dotted report to Game Marketing Lead from the game the position will be allocated to (Clash of Clans, Clash Royale, Squad Busters and/or Hay Day). You will be employed by Clevry to Supercell.

We are looking for an experienced professional who loves data but is also passionate about marketing, strategy and behavioural science.

Combining multiple sources (quantitative/qualitative, internal/external), our Marketing Intelligence & Insights Partner will work close to Game Marketing Leads, chasing answers for complex questions and empowering informed decisions regarding Brand Image & Positioning, Audiences, Communications & Media, Social & Cultural Dynamics, Partnerships and other topics related to how we reach the gaming community, attract new players and bond with current ones.

We are looking for people who sees beyond the "what?", pushing the boundaries to answer also "why?", "what's next?", "what should we do now?" and "which future should we build?".

Client company

Supercell, a game company founded in 2010, believes that the best teams make the best games that will be played by as many people as possible, last for decades, and be remembered forever.

Supercell's mission is to build the best mobile games for as many players as possible. We are passionate about our games and players and dedicated to deeply understanding not only how our gamers play but also who they are and what drives them - their habits, passion points, expectations, motivations.

Main tasks

- Act as an everyday partner for the games teams to define the best approach for answering business questions, using both data analysis and market research
- Build deep knowledge about audience, covering from in-game behaviour to passion points, needs and expectations to sharpen games' positioning, communications and branding strategies
- Lead Marketing Intelligence agenda inside games teams
- Develop analytical models that will make best usage of internal data to answer everyday business questions and feed long-term strategy design
- Collaborate with Marketing Researchers to design adhoc methodologies that will best supplement internal analysis and cover what can't be answered with internally available data
- Synthesize key learnings into concise, actionable insights for game marketing teams
- Evaluate Marketing Mix (campaigns, promo, activations etc) on business (active gamers, revenue etc) and brand (awareness, consideration, attributes etc)
- Recommend appropriate analysis and research roadmap for the game teams, accordingly to marketing calendar (campaigns, launches, activations, partnerships etc) and game's team main challenges / priorities
- Manage and share insights effectively to stakeholders across the company
- Connect with other Marketing Intelligence team members to build synergies and identify commonalities between Supercell's games - but also, and more important, identify what makes each game unique and relevant in the market.

What we expect - Hard skills

- 5+ years in Business/Marketing Intelligence or business applied Data Analytics
- Proficient ability in Excel and experience with data analytics languages such as SQL, R and Python
- Practice with running statistical analysis (Regression, Correlation, Attribution Models, CLTV etc) from a business perspective
- Ability to set hypothesis and test them, finding meaning in data into a specific business context
- Deep understanding of ROI, user profitability, user attribution and media mix modelling
- Familiar with adhoc research methodologies (Quali/Quanti) and ability to use research results in consonance with other data sources
- Fluent English (Korean, Portuguese, German, Spanish or French will be a plus)

What we expect - Soft skills

- Strong analytical skills with great results-oriented, metrics-driven approach to problem solving
- Proactive and autonomous, comfortable with mutable, dynamic and "non-topdown" environments
- Aptitude to work outside of comfort zone and get things done quickly
- Ability to present data in a story form and deliver findings to the team
- Passion about games, data and human behaviour!

Apply now!

If you recognize yourself in this description, please apply for the position by 22.9.2024. However, we urge you to act quickly - we will proceed with potential candidates already during the application period. For further information, please contact Recruitment Manager Suvi-Anna Salonen ([email protected]). Please note that we cannot receive applications via email due to data privacy legislation and that we handle all inquiries on behalf of our client company.

Additional information about our recruitment process

At Clevry, we believe that rather than focusing solely on hard skills, the key to success is based on soft skills and the willpower to rise beyond expectations. Therefore, our recruitment process involves psychometric assessments that evaluate soft skills and cognitive abilities essential for each role. By assessing soft skills, we can help applicants describe their own strengths more effectively and find employment quicker and more easily. When applying through us, the recruitment process involves an interview with both Clevry and the client company, so you will get to know both as the recruitment process progresses.

Additional information about Clevry

For over 30 years we have been the change maker for a more soft skills driven working life within talent acquisition, assessments, and advisory. We operate globally with customers, consultants and candidates from North America to Singapore with headquarters in Brighton, Stockholm and Helsinki. At Clevry we have over 150 soft skills certified recruiters, business psychologists and experts at your service. We find the right candidate for the job, and the right job for the candidate!

Jätä hakemus:
Yhteystiedot: [email protected]
Työpaikan osoite: Annankatu 32-34, 00100 Helsinki
Palkkaus: According to agreement
Työ alkaa: Työskentelyn aloitus sovitaan yhdessä
Työaika: Kokoaikatyö
Työn kesto: Määräaikainen
Hakuaika päättyy: 22.09.2024 20:59
Ilmoitus jätetty: 02.09.2024 12:52
Työmarkkinatorin ilmoitusnumero: 2cadab70-2f98-4a82-bd82-9aa4f5fada5e

Lähde: Työmarkkinatorin asiakastietojärjestelmä


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Marketing Intelligence and Insights Partner, 3 paikkaa

Clevry International Oy
Vakituinen, Kokopäiväinen, Määräaikainen ja projektityö

Julkaistu 02.09.2024

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