Keittiöpäällikkö, Rukapalvelu Oy
Amiko Oy
Kuusamo, Oulu, Rovaniemi, Lappi, Pohjois-Pohjanmaa
Postinjakaja Vanttauskoskelle
SOL Logistiikkapalvelut Oy
97625 Vanttauskoski, Rovaniemi, Lappi
Receptionist / housekeeper
Haawe Boutique Apartment Hotel is located in the center of Rovaniemi, Haawe is a design hotel inspired by the nature of magical Lapland with thirteen themed rooms each having its own story.
Now we are looking for a receptionist+housekeeper (part-time or full-time) to work with us....
Haluatko suosituksia samankaltaisista työpaikoista sähköpostitse?Tilaa hakuvahti