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Ryhmäliikuntaohjaajia ELIXIAlle Tampereelle

ELIXIA offers the biggest range of group training in the Nordics, and we are always looking for more inspiring instructors . As an ELIXIA instructor, you'll make an impact by creating a healthier and happier lifestyle among our members. You will work in a team of energetic colleagues who are passionate about training, dedicated to deliver great training experiences by welcoming and motivating all members to every single class!

Is this you ?

  • You have a healthy lifestyle and a burning passion for training
  • You like to inspire and motivate other people
  • You believe that physical activity improves quality of life
  • You are good at building relationships and getting people on board
  • You are comfortable "on stage" and curious to learn more
  • You have good communication and social skills
  • You are perceived as service-minded
  • You are over 18 years old
  • You can show a diploma of an adequate basic education in exercise theory, anatomy and physiology or able to join an online course with our partner Improve Education (see ELIXIA education paths below for more info)
  • You are ready to have classes on Friday afternoon and/or Saturdays
  • You have RYT200 or RYT500 education if you apply for teaching Yoga

Join our team ?

  • Work with wonderful and talented colleagues
  • Great opportunity to develop yourself through our internal Academy
  • Fun, motivating and meaningful workplace
  • We are always on the move

Show us what you got !

Send in your application and wait for an invitation to the Recruitment Event. Here you will be able to show a part of your class and by the end of the day you will get to know if you will be recruited straight away or offered a ELIXIA Trainee spot and your coming education paths. See detailed info and dates below.

The next Recruitment Event takes place at ELIXIA Kaleva 8.9. at 10:00-18:00.


We do not require you to have full instructor training before you start with us - we can support your education and career when you become a Trainee!

Basic Theory - 250€
A basic education in exercise theory, anatomy and physiology is a must for all Trainees. If you can't verify that you have this, you can join an online course with our partner Improve Education. This comes at a cost of 250€. Read more about the course powered by Improve Education here. When and if chosen to become a Trainee, you will receive a link where you register, pay and get started with the education.

ELIXIA Educations - Free
The calculated value of the educations varies from 250-1500€ depending on path and for a Trainee it is free of charge. We require 100% attendance and that you are approved after each course.

1. GXI Introduction course teaches you all about us, our offering, education paths and the basics skills you need to become an instructor.

  • GXI Introduction - Helsinki, 21.9.

2. GXI Foundation course gives you the tools you need to become an instructor in the category you have been chosen for. This will be decided at the Recruitment Event.

  • GXI Pilates Foundation - Helsinki, 4.-6.10. & 18.-20.10.2024
  • GXI Strength Foundation - Helsinki, 5.-6.10. & 19.-20.10.2024
  • GXI Cycling Foundation - Helsinki, 12.-13.10. & 26.-27.10.2024
  • GXI Indoor Running Foundation - Helsinki, 2.-3.11.2024

3. Product Courses gives you the skills you need to teach the class type you have been chosen for.

  • Yoga in SATS - Digital Live, 22.9.2024
  • PrformanceTM Basic - Helsinki, 27.-29.9.2024
  • Cycling in SATS - Helsinki, 12.10.2024
  • Senior - Digital Live, 16.10.2024
  • Power Pilates - Helsinki, 2.11.2024
  • ABSolution - Helsinki, 9.11.2024
  • Cycling HIIT - Helsinki, 9.11.2024
  • Pilates Ball - Helsinki, 9.11.2024
  • Bootylicious - Helsinki, 10.11.2024 
  • Crosstraining - Helsinki, 16.11.2024
  • Core - Helsinki, 23.11.2024
  • Shape Up - Helsinki, 30.11.-1.12.2024
  • Pilates Ball  - Helsinki, 9.11.2024
  • Cycling Power - Helsinki, 23.11.2024

SATS Finland vaikuttavuus

SATS Finland synnyttää merkittävimmät positiiviset vaikutuksensa liittyen verojen maksamiseen ja fyysiseen terveyteen, luokissa Yhteiskunta ja Terveys.

SATS Finland synnyttää merkittävimmät negatiiviset vaikutuksensa tai käyttää resursseja liittyen niukkaan osaamispääomaan ja kasvihuonekaasupäästöihin, luokissa Tieto ja Ympäristö.
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Nettovaikutusprofiilin on mallintanut Upright Project. Profiili perustuu tieteellisen tutkimuksen ymmärrykseen erilaisten tuotteiden ja palveluiden vaikutuksista. Profiili kertoo mihin asioihin sinäkin olet mukana vaikuttamassa tämän työpaikan kautta. Lisätietoa Uprightista löydät täältä.

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Haluatko suosituksia samankaltaisista työpaikoista sähköpostitse?Tilaa hakuvahti