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People Flow Planning Expert

- To lead, direct, evaluate, and develop a team of customer service specialists to ensure that the organisation's customer service strategy is implemented effectively, consistently, and according to established guidelines and budgets.
- To support Front Lines globally in providing solutions and specifications on elevator and/or escalator and /or modernisation solutions that meet the customer requirements
- To assure that daily work performed follows generally stated objectives as well as cost-effectiveness and competitiveness and is completed with quality, on time and within budget.
- To manage general communication and collaboration with FL representatives and with other Supply line departments
- To distribute tasks, FL's responsibilities and level the daily workload, if needed.
- To manage directly special requests from FLs or help CS Specialists to answer
- To follow new release processes (DL, OF, K Milestone) and manage piloting processes

Keskitymme KONEella luomaan innovatiivista ja yhteistyöhön perustuvaa työskentelykulttuuria, jossa jokaisen panosta arvostetaan. Työntekijöiden sitoutuminen on meille avainasemassa, ja rohkaisemme jokaista osallistumaan ja jakamaan tietoa ja ideoita. Yritysvastuu on oleellinen osa yrityskulttuuriamme ja päivittäisiä toimiamme. Noudatamme eettisiä liiketoimintamenettelyitä ja pyrimme kehittämään yhdessä tekemisen kulttuuria, jossa työntekijät luottavat toisiinsa ja kunnioittavat toisiaan ja jossa hyvät suoritukset huomioidaan. Erinomaisena työpaikkana olemme ylpeitä voidessamme tarjota erilaisia kokemuksia ja mahdollisuuksia, joiden avulla saavutat ura- ja henkilökohtaiset tavoitteesi ja voit elää terveellisesti ja tasapainoisesti.

Lue lisää

KONE impact

KONE creates its most significant positive impacts in paying taxes and societal infrastructure, in category Society.

KONE creates its most significant negative impacts or uses resources in greenhouse gas emissions and scarce human capital, in categories Environment and Knowledge.
Upright data for KONE

By clicking on the graph, you can see the entire KONE impact profile.

What is impact profile?

The net impact profile was modeled by the Upright Project. The profile is based on scientific research's understanding of the effects of various products and services. The profile tells you which things you are involved in influencing through this job. You can find more information about Upright here.

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People Flow Planning Expert

Full time, Permanent

Published on 14.09.2024

Company Turnover: 
Yli 100 000 000 €
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